Professor Caroline McCraken-Flesher on Robert Burns and the Cultural Politics of Food

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Blog author: Hannah Pyle On the 24th of October 2019 the centre had the pleasure of welcoming Professor Caroline McCraken-Flesher from the University of Wyoming to talk on ‘Robert Burns and the Cultural Politics of Food’. As the glint of the ever-beautiful autumnal Glasgow sun faded out through the Gloag room windows, Dr Ronnie Young… Continue reading

Complex Identities and Cultural Integration: Alexander Erskein and the 30 Years War, by Dr Kathrin Zickerman

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Blog author: Craig Conner On Tuesday 14th of January, the Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies gladly welcomed Dr Kathrin Zickerman, lecturer at the University of Highlands and Islands. Dr Zickerman completed her PhD on Early Modern Scottish contact with and settlement in Northwest Germany at St Andrews in 2009, which formed the basis of… Continue reading

Dr David Griffiths – How Scandinavian was the Viking Age in the Northern Isles?

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Author: Katharine McCrossan On Tuesday 17th December the Centre welcomed Dr David Griffiths, who delivered the final seminar of the semester on the question ‘How Scandinavian was the Viking Age in the Northern Isles?’. A Reader and Director of Studies in Archaeology at the University of Oxford, Dr Griffiths’ research interests include Viking-Age and medieval… Continue reading

Dr. Liam Ó hAisibéil, NUI Galway: Onomastic Perspectives in the Creation of Space in Acallam na Senórach

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Blog author: Kathleen Reddy The CSCS seminar on December 10, 2019 was given by Dr. Liam Ó hAisibéil of NUI Galway, specialist in Gaelic onomastics and currently a visiting researcher in the University of Glasgow’s School of Humanities. Dr. Ó hAisibéil’s talk was entitled “Onomastic Perspectives in the Creation of Space in Acallam na Senórach.”… Continue reading

Angus Matheson Memorial Lecture: “Forty Years of Gaelic Revival: An Irish Storyteller and his Editors” by Prof. Angela Bourke

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Blog author: Kathleen Reddy On Thursday, December 5th, 2019, Celtic and Gaelic at the University of Glasgow hosted the fourteenth annual Angus Matheson memorial lecture, given by Prof. Angela Bourke of University College Dublin. This annual lecture series is held in memory of Prof. Angus Matheson (1912-1962), first professor of Celtic at the University of… Continue reading

Dr Joanna Kopaczyk on Polonia Scotorum colonia: Scottish early modern immigrants in a multilingual setting

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by Katharine McCrossan On Tuesday 19th November, the Centre was delighted to welcome Dr Joanna Kopaczyk (Senior Lecturer in Scots and English, University of Glasgow). Dr Kopaczyk is a historical linguist whose research interests include the medieval and early modern history of the Scots language and the early modern Scots diaspora abroad, specifically in Central… Continue reading

Book launch and talk: Scotland in Early Medieval Europe by Dr Alice Blackwell and Dr Ewan Campbell

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On the 5th of November the Centre held a book launch event, presented by Dr Alice Blackwell (National Museum of Scotland) and Dr Ewan Campbell (University of Glasgow, Archaeology). Dr Blackwell introduced their new edited volume Scotland in Early Medieval Europe. The book is free to read online, available in PDF and is print on… Continue reading

Personal Names and Naming Practices in Medieval and Early Modern Scotland with Dr Matthew Hammond

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Blog post author: Craig Conner On Tuesday 15th of October, the Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies gladly welcomed Dr Matthew Hammond, research associate at King’s College London and a leading expert on the development of Medieval Scotland from the eleventh to the fourteenth centuries. Dr Hammond’s research interests include Scottish charters and land-holding structures,… Continue reading

Simon Taylor ‘Trans Dorsum Brittaniae: 717-2017: A Walk across the Spine of Britain’

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On the 1st of October 2019 Dr Simon Taylor (best known for his pioneering work on the place-names of Fife and, most recently, Kinross-shire) continued the Centre’s unofficial mini-series of travel presentations by delivering a captivating talk on his 2017 expedition across the ‘Spine of Britain, from Dunkeld to Iona. Explaining that the idea for… Continue reading

Exploring the shore of the Gael by sailboat with Dr Stephen Harrison and Professor Stephen Driscoll

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This year’s seminar series began with a fascinating travel presentation about a two-week sailboat trip from Largs to Kerrara Island and back with an exploration of medieval archaeology on the islands in between. The talk was delivered by Dr Stephen Harrison and Professor Stephen Driscoll, lecturers in Archaeology at the University of Glasgow. Before introducing… Continue reading