Tag Archives: vox populi

Vox Populi: ‘The referendum of 1997: the settled will of the Scottish people?’.

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On 21 May 2013, the Centre was pleased to welcome the BBC’s Brian Taylor who discussed,  ‘The referendum of 1997: the settled will of the Scottish people?’, as the final seminar in the Vox Populi series which has ran for the last nine months. Below is this listener’s brief summary of the lecture. Tony Blair came to power… Continue reading

Vox Populi: ‘Remembering 1979’

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On 7 May 2013, the Centre was pleased to welcome Professor Christopher Harvie, who discussed ‘Remembering 1979’ as part of the ongoing Vox Populi seminar series. Below is this listener’s brief summary of the lecture. On the run up to the 1979 devolution referendum, Scottish public opinion was around sixty per cent in favour, twenty against.… Continue reading

Vox Populi: ‘The Voice of the ‘Wee Society’: the referenda experience in Scottish local government since 1868’

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On 23 April 2013, as part of the on-going Vox Populi series, the Centre was pleased to welcome Irene Maver, who discussed ‘The Voice of the ‘Wee Society’: the referenda experience in Scottish local government since 1868’. Below is this listener’s brief summary of the lecture. Dr Maver framed her lecture with a discussion of the key focus of… Continue reading

Vox Populi: ‘Wilkes and Scottish Liberty: The Reception of John Wilkes in The Weekly Magazine’

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On 15 January 2013, as part of the on-going Vox Populi series, the Centre was pleased to welcome Dr Rhona Brown who discussed ‘Wilkes and Scottish Liberty: The Reception of John Wilkes in The Weekly Magazine’. Below is this listener’s brief summary of the lecture. The lecture was centred around the controversial figure of John Wilkes, an… Continue reading

Vox Populi: ‘Elections, voting and representation in early modern Scotland’

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On 20 November 2012, the Centre was pleased to welcome Professor Keith Brown, who discussed ‘Elections, voting and representation in early modern Scotland’ as part of the ongoing Vox Populi seminar series. Below is this listener’s brief summary of the lecture. Professor Brown began his lecture by contextualising the spread of democracy in the post-1945 world. There… Continue reading