Tag Archives: history

Islands in the Sun? The Gaelic World in Archipelagic Politics c. 1400–c. 1600

Published on: Author: Jamie Kelly Leave a comment

On the evening of Tuesday 6th November, the Centre was delighted to welcome Dr Simon Egan, who continued our Islands theme with a stimulating introduction to his current research project, which investigates the role played by the ‘Gaelic world’ in the wider political theatre of the Atlantic Archipelago (aka the British Isles) from the 15th… Continue reading

‘A bheil àite ann dha tùsan Gàidhlig ann an eachdraidh na Gàidhealtachd? (Is there a place for Gaelic sources in the history of the Gàidhealtachd?)’

Published on: Author: Megan Leave a comment

English summary below Air Dimàirt, an 14mh dhen Mhàrt, chuir Ionad Eòlas na h-Alba is na Ceiltis fàilte air an Dotair Dòmhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart, à Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean. Fhuair an Dotair Stiùbhart a’ chiad ceum aige ann an cuspairean clasaigeach aig Oilthigh Oxford agus tha PhD aige bho Roinn… Continue reading

‘Early Irish Migrations to Scotland – Difficulties, Debates and DNA’

Published on: Author: Megan 1 Comment

On 28 November, 2016, the Centre welcomed Cathy Swift (Director of Irish Studies in Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick) to discuss ‘Early Irish Migrations to Scotland – Difficulties, Debates and DNA.’ Diasporic peoples are becoming increasingly interested in where their ancestors came from, especially people from the United States and Australia. Recently, DNA analysis has… Continue reading

Inaugural Lecture: ‘Rethinking Scottish Origins’

Published on: Author: CSCS 1 Comment

On 12 November 2013, the Inaugural Lecture for the Chair in Scottish History and Literature was held in the Humanity Lecture Theatre in the main building of the University of Glasgow. Professor Dauvit Broun, who shares the Chair with Professor Alan Riach, presented ‘Rethinking Scottish Origins’. Below is this listener’s brief summary of the lecture.… Continue reading