Tag Archives: Welsh

‘A thousand years of Welsh scribes’

Published on: Author: Megan 1 Comment

On 10 May, 2016, the Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies welcomed Daniel Huws of the National Library of Wales to discuss ‘A thousand years of Welsh scribes,’ which is based on his work on his forth-coming book ‘A Repertory of Welsh Manuscripts and Scribes.’ Daniel Huws became interested in Welsh poets and their manuscripts in… Continue reading

‘On our terms: “Celtic” and “Celts”‘

Published on: Author: Megan 8 Comments

On December 1, 2015, the Centre welcomed Prof Thomas Owen Clancy (Glasgow) to discuss ‘On our terms: “Celtic” and “Celts”‘ for the 10th Annual Angus Matheson Memorial Lecture. The Annual Angus Matheson Memorial Lecture began in 2006 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Chair of Celtic in the University of Glasgow. Prof Angus… Continue reading